
The firm’s lawyers offer legal advice on copyright issues, in order to set up the necessary legal instruments to protect the rights regulated by this area of law.They therefore engage in the following services:

Advising on copyright law and rights related to copyright (such as the rights of performers, record producers, audio-visual recording producers and broadcasters; the protection of “simple” photographs, sui generis rights over databases, etc.). Advice on intellectual property rights, including both economic and moral rights.
Drawing up copyright and copyright-related contracts, such as those governing literary publishing, collaboration, joint authors, theatrical or musical performance, cinematic or audio-visual productions. Writing contracts regulating intellectual property rights for software or sound recordings, as well as contracts authorising the reproduction, distribution or public communication of material subject to copyright, etc.
Drafting authorizations to adapt works, or to synchronise musical and audio-visual works, etc.
Drawing up contracts transferring intellectual property rights from an employed author to the employer.
Holding negotiations with the various intellectual property management bodies.
Negotiating economic compensation for intellectual property right infringement.
Giving legal guidance on setting up a mortgage based on intellectual property rights.
Providing legal defence in intellectual property proceedings.
Managing the protection of intellectual property rights through the Intellectual Property Register and public notary registration.

Similarly, the firm also provides legal advice on protecting the right to honour, to personal and family privacy, and to self-image. We take action against all types of unlawful interference, drawing up image authorisations for third parties, sponsorship contracts, etc.